Meditation Can Change You Life!
According to Buddha, there are three primary causes of human suffering: ignorance, attachment, and aversion. In this meditation series, we will reflect upon these sources of suffering, evaluate their impacts in our lives, and practice mediation techiques specifically designed to alleviate these causes of suffering.
The series of six Tuesday evening sessions will be taught by Beth Caniglia. The series, entitled ‘Meditation Can Change Your Life’, will occur every other Tuesday. The Class Schedule includes the following Dates, Topics, and Meditation Practices:
- 9/10/24, Meditation Basics & Understanding Ignorance, RAIN
- 9/24/24, Deeper Understanding of the Self, Chakra Meditation
- 10/8/24, Attachment, Mantra Meditation
- 10/22/24, Attachment, Yoga Nidra with Special guest Ronda Alonzo
- 11/5/24, Aversion, Loving-Kindness
- 11/19/24, Aversion, Samatha Meditation & Mindfulness
The meditation series will take place in the EESystem room with the amazing Bio-ScalarEnergy!
The cost is $35 per person for individual sessions or $175 per person for the series of six sessions. Sessions are pre-paid. There is a minimum 24-hour cancellation policy.
Beth Caniglia is an environmental sociologist by training and worked as a tenured professor for twenty years. Building on decades of consulting work with policy organizations, such as the United Nations, the government of South Aftrica, and several municipalities, Beth currently provides policy analysis and research consulting for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, advancing protection of human health and the environment.
Dr. Caniglia’s personal journey has been deeply enhanced by her practice and studies in meditation and yoga – a quest she has pursued for neraly thirty years. She has studied Sanskrit and immersed herself in an array of meditation paths, working with chakras, mantras, yogie meditation, and a variety of Buddhist meditation practices. Today, drawing from Buddhist, Hindu, and Mindfulness traditions, Beth offers meditation instruction for individuals, groups, and organizations.
Join us in the EESystem room for this amazing event! Book online or call Healthy Body Healthy Soul at 985-898-9445. Snacks available after.